Calendar of events 2022/23
Friday 26th
School re-opens for 1st Year students
Monday 29th
School re-opens for 3rd Year & 6th Year students
Tuesday 30th
School re-opens for 5th & 2nd Year students
Wednesday 31st
Transition Year students return
Tuesday 6th
First Year Parents Information Night @7:30pm
Monday 26th
School closed
Week ending Friday 30th
3rd & 6th Year class based assessments
Wednesday 5th
Parent Teacher Meeting for Exam Years (3rd & 6th Year students) 4:15pm to 6:15pm
Friday 28th
School closes for Mid-Term break
Monday 7th
School reopens after Mid-Term break
Week ending Friday 18th
Week 10 Assessments for all year groups (except TY)
Monday 21st
Parent Teacher Meeting for Non-Exam Years (1st, 2nd, TY & 5th Year students) 4:15pm to 6:15pm
Tuesday 29th
School Closed: JCT Staff Training
Wednesday 21st
School closes for Christmas holidays
Thursday 5th
School reopens
Thursday 26th
School Closed: JCT Staff Training
Week ending Friday 3rd
Mock examinations begin for 6th Year students
Monday 6th
School closed (bank holiday)
Week ending Friday 10th
Mock examinations continue for 6th Year students
Mock examinations begin for 3rd Year students
Week 20 Assessments for 1st, 2nd and 5th Year students.
Friday 10th
School closes for Mid-Term break
Monday 20th
School reopens after Mid-Term break
Friday 17th
School closed: St Patrick’s Day (bank holiday)
Monday 27th
Parent Teacher Meeting for Exam Years (3rd & 6th Year students) 4:15pm to 6:15pm
Friday March 31st
School closed for Easter holidays
Monday 17th
School reopens after Easter holidays
Monday 1st
School closed (bank holiday)
Week ending Friday 19th
5th Year Exams
Week ending Friday 2nd
Week 30 Assessments for non-exam classes
Friday 2nd
School closes for summer holidays
Wednesday 7th
State Examinations begin for 3rd & 6th year students
Tel: 090 9675811 Fax: 090 9675773 Email: Web: