St. Killian's College

Principal's Welcome

P1010692.JPGA Chairde,

It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the St. Killian’s College website. I hope that it will provide you with an insight into the numerous activities, academic and otherwise which take place in this school.

Our vision is to provide a learning centre of excellence in a friendly, helpful environment where fairness, understanding, success and discipline are pursued. This vision is progressed at all times by providing a wide range of curriculum options which are complimented by the use of modern hi-tech equipment by a highly skilled staff. Added to this are the many extra-curricular activities provided which include sport, educational tours, music, arts etc.

We also realise that in today’s highly pressurised environment, students need support structures in place to guide and reassure them in challenging times. Some of the formal structures presently available in St. Killian’s include pastoral care, career guidance, student council, tutor system and buddy system.

We are confident that with the added advantage of a small school in a rural setting, students have every opportunity to achieve their full potential in a caring, supportive environment and to graduate towards their chosen career as mature young adults through 3rd level education or otherwise.

We look forward to working with you in helping you to achieve your goals.

Padráig Kelly


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St. Killian's College,
New Inn,
Co. Galway,

090 967 5811

Galway and Roscommon Education and Training Board
© 2024 St. Killian's College